Mirror of the University of Maryland

Lecture-Demonstration Facility (Original Site)

Lecture Demonstration Facility Documents


Dr. Richard Berg Mr. Bill Norwood Mr. John Horne
Phone: (301) 405-5994 Phone: (301) 405-5995 Phone: (301) 405-5996
e-mail: rb22@umail.umd.edu email: bn5@umail.umd.edu email: jh83@umail.umd.edu

U.S. Post Office Address
Lecture-Demonstration Facility
Department of Physics
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-4111
Phone # (301) 405-5994
Fax # (301) 314-9525

Statement of Copyright

The material contained herein is copyrighted by the University of Maryland, and may not be duplicated or used for any commercial purpose without permission from the University of Maryland. For permission to use these materials contact Dr. Richard E. B erg at one of the above addresses.


The demonstrations contained and referenced herein are listed for the purposes of cataloging and describing physics demonstrations which should be conducted only under the direction of a trained instructional support professional or physicist. These demonstrations are not presented for the purpose of being conducted by persons unconnected to this Facility and/or persons not consulting with or being supervised by the recognized instructional support professional or physicist and his/her staff. The University is responsible only for those demonstrations carried out using its own equipment using established safety and scheduling policies, and bears no responsibility for those choosing to use this source material for their own purposes. All demonstrations described and contained herein are public domain, and can also be found in reference materials in libraries, bookstores, and electronic sources.

This WWW site and supporting documents have been prepared by Phillip Groutt with consultation from Norman Reese. For comments or constructive criticism of this document please e-mail Dr. Richard Berg, rb22@umail.umd.edu, or send comments by phone or to the mailing address above.