

35 mm slides for astronomy

Three sets of slides:

HPF (Haydn Planetarium)

1) The solar system

2) Formation of the planets

3) The Sun

4) Mercury (Mariner 10 NASA photo)

5) Crescent Venus

6) Clouds of Venus (in UV) (Mariner 10 NASA photo)

7) The Earth (Apollo 17 NASA photo)

8) Full moon

9) Mars

10) Mars: Olympus Mons volcano (Mariner 9 NASA photo)

11) Mars: Grand Canyon (Mariner 9 NASA photo)

12) Mars: Sinuous channel (Mariner 9 NASA photo)

13) Phobos (Mariner 9 NASA photo)

14) Jupiter with moon

15) Jupiter's great red spot (Pioneer 11 NASA photo)

16) Saturn

17) Saturn: rings edge-on

18) Uranus and Neptune (arrows indicate moons)

19) Pluto

20) Comet Ikeya-Seki


1) The Sun in total eclipse, June 30, 1973

2) The Sun in annular eclipse, April 19, 1997 (multiple exposure)

3) The moon in total eclipse, May 25, 1975

4) Greenish northern lights (aurora borealis) Finland, Nov. 22, 1975

5) Blue northern lights (aurora borealis) Finland, Jan. 6, 1978

6) Comet West (1976 VI), March 4, 1976

7) 2 Nebulae in Scorpius NGC 6357 (top) & NGC 6334

8) Orion's Belt and Nebulae: Horsehead and Great Nebula

9) Trifid (top) and Lagoon Nebulae in Sagittarius M20 & M8)

10) California Nebula (NGC 1499) in Perseus

11) North American & Pelican Nebulae in Cygnus (NGC 7000 & IC 5067-70)

12) Eta Carinae Nebula (NGC 3372)

13) Veil Nebula in Cygnus (complete loop: NGC 6960/95)

14) Open Cluster NGC 6231 and Nebula in Scorpius

15) Praesepe Open Cluster (M44) in Cancer

16) Omega Centauri Globular Cluster (NGC 5139)

17) Milky Way in Sagittarius (looking toward center of galaxy)

18) Milky Way with Southern Cross, Coalsack, and Eta Carinae

19) Large Megellanic Cloud with Tarantula Nebula (NGC 2070)

20) Small Megellanic Cloud and Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae

USNO (United States National Observatory)

1) Crab Nebula in Taurus (M1, NGC 1952)

2) Lagoon Nebula in Sagittarius (M8, NGC 6523)

3) Trifid Nebula in Sagittarius (M20, NGC 6514)

4) Dumbbell Nebula in Vulpecula (M27, NGC 6853)

5) Great Nebula in Orion (M42, NGC 1976)

6) Ring Nebula in Lyra (M57, NGC 6720)

7) Veil Nebula in Cygnus (NGC 6992-95)

8) Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13, NGC 6205)

9) Milky Way in Sagittarius

10) Andromeda Galaxy: Nucleus (M31, NGC 224)

11) Elliptical Galaxies (M32, NGC 221, type E2) and (NGC 205 type E6p)

12) Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici, type SC I/Irr (M51, NGC 5194/5)

13) Irregular Galaxy in Ursa Major type SCP? (M82, NGC 3034)

14) Spiral Galaxy in Coma Berenices, type SB (edge-on) (NGC 4565)

15) Spiral Galaxy in Draco, Type SC/SB (edge-on) (NGC5907)

16) Spiral Galaxy in Cygnus, type SC (NGC 6946)

17) Jupiter (great red spot visible)

18) Saturn (rings nearly edge-on)

19) Star trails around the North Star

20) Aurora (the Northern Lights)